Thursday, December 23, 2010


is coming,
the goose is getting fat
please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
a ha'penny will do, 
and if you havent got a ha'penny
then God bless you. 

Friday, December 17, 2010


After the prolonged application process, I am officially accepted in the Syracuse class of 2015.
But, true to form, my acceptance was anything but normal.
I have yet to recieve an acceptance letter or email.

So most of you know that most colleges have a website where you can create an account and check the status of your application, etc.  And on "MySlice" which is Cuse's site, there has been a link that said something like "Accept Acceptance Form" but more eloquent than that.  Now, for the last few months, my mom or I have occasionally clicked that link just to see what happens. (Dane Cook voice...if you don't know what I'm talking about, this is embarrasing.) Upon clicking the link, the website takes you to a page that said something along the lines of "You are not authorized to view this page." Untill today, that is.

My mom clicked the link this evening at about 7:00 P.M Central time and low and behold, a form showed up with my name, student ID, school, and major.  Curriously, mother and I filled out all of the other information that it asked for.  It came down to the last page (the deposit, of course) and the form stated that upon confirming the payment, I was officially matriculated at Syracuse University. Baddaboombaddabimg, I'm in.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ndakasimba kana makasimbawo.

i am self reliant
stereotype defiant
so measure your girth
to calculate your worth
when we both know, in fact
the ego trip is your aphrodisiac

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Like daffodils in motherfucking spring.

It looks like this might be the year that I break the cycle.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it
but it's still early, so who knows.

In other news, the Guminski Christmas lights will be going up this weekend.

Aaaand I'm not doing any homework tonight.
I'm very bored. Who wants to spice up my life?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

rain rain go away, that's what all my haters say

Sitting on the plane,
coming home to 29 degree Chicago
from 80 degree Sarasota,
between my two sleeping parents,
writing my english paper,
Death of a Salesman=


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Teenage Dirtbag

I watched Teenage Dirtbag over the weekend, and I love this poem that Thayer reads.  Its so much more powerful hearing him read it, but I couldn't find a video. I highly recommend you watch it. 

This part you play in the room
Nobody buys it
They all see right through you
Forever being lowered, waiting for them to love you,
they're not going to
Cause all you are is on your back.
You're not smart,
You're stupid.
You're not beautiful,
You're ugly.
Walking, talking, hoping, waiting, 
to be where you belong
on your back.
So give it away, kill it, smear it
Then try to pull it out of the dirt
desperate because you know
that all you have,
and all that you are
is on your back.

It reminded me of another poem I wrote a while ago
And I'm hesitant to let you read because it's a little bit edgy. 
But whatever, take it with a grain of salt. 
I in no way confirm that anything about this poem is a true story.

Anxiously waiting for the night to come.

You always talk, 

he says you’re the one.

Your friends try to warn you but you don't even care.
Perfect outfit, flawless makeup, 

three hours spent on your hair.

He walks into the room and every head turns.
You should have walked away, 

but the heart never learns.

He takes you upstairs and gets you on your knees.
Now he's got you, 

he knows 
You’ll do anything to please.

As the sun and horizon meet,
you begin to feel the ground 

beneath your feet.

You’re fading, 

hope is waning,

his intentions 

where yours were aiming.

When the pain sets in and the guilt begins,
he clutches his trophy, 


Clock is racing, heart is pacing.
Trying to avoid the reality you’re facing.
You waited for days, but no words will be said.
Your initials, 

he casually carves on his bed.

(9/3/2012) Funny side note to this poem. I tried to submit it to the Literary magazine at my high school durring my senior year and was not only declined because it was inappropriate, but I was actually refereed to the school counselor to make sure I was okay. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here's The Game Plan Kids.

Diet Coke runs through my veins.  There's no denying it, just accept it as fact.
Now, I realize that your gut reaction is to pity me because I'm different.
(because thats what we do with "different" people.
We simply "feel sorry for them" and call it a day.)
Next, you might ask yourself: "What exactly does this mean?"
Well, here are the basics:

A. If I were to give blood, upon impaling my bicep with a needle, one would be dumbfounded by the stream of carbonated caramel colored aspartame draining out of my limb.

B. If I ever survive a horrible accident and need a blood transfusion, do not be afraid! As opposed to the average human, whose blood is rare and outrageously valuable, my blood can be purchased by the gallon from McDonald's for merely a dollar.

C. If I were to ever find myself stranded on a desert island, I would not hesitate to make a small incision on my wrist and casually slurp my insides out.

D. Due to carbonation, I am very buoyant.  Therefore, I will never drown. Theoretically, I could survive while lost at sea forever! (I'm not sure why this rant is extreme situation themed with an emphasis on becoming stranded.)
You my be asking yourself-Sarah, what about food and water?
I'm WAAYY ahead of you.
Water-refer to point c.

E. I'm surprised that you've made it this far! Thank you for observing my absurdities. Have a wonderful evening.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thanks Zeph

I watched the whole thing.
You're going to think I'm crazy
and then you'll watch the first 5 minutes
and understand.

Monday, November 15, 2010


sick brah

I have the bestest friends eveeeer.
And I like frosted Wheaties.

word of the day: obscure

Sunday, November 14, 2010

There is someone out there who feels just like me.

Today is one of those days that even the coziest sweats can't keep you warm.
And I feel like cuddling. Or spooning with Kelsey.
John was home this weekend :)

Things on my mind:
1. Johnny Knox's eyes.
2. Going to bed. Yes, it's 7:30..but it's also been dark for 3 hours already.
3. "Trust is a dirty word that comes from such a liar."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Let's Play the Waiting Game

" I responded, 'it's complicated.'
but then again
I am

conspiracy theories are my fav

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Don't Know Who I Am

I feel like reality checks are becoming more and more a part of my life. I'm so busy trying to juggle everything that the simplest, most innate instincts go right over my head.  And it's so discouraging. All I want to do is add on to my never ending to do list but I neglect the commitments I have already made to chase after new exciting ones.  I'm inconsiderate and selfish, but I promise I'm going to work on it.

Being incarcerated sucks.
No, not in the state penitentiary sense.
Worse- my mother. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm ill, not sick

Being sick bloooows.  I missed school Thursday and Friday (Today is still Friday, but you get the point.) so I have 4 tests to make up on Monday. I hate missing school.  People think I'm crazy but I really do.  I mean yes I love the actually not going to school part, but the stress when you come back is atrocious.  I have two teachers in particular who aim to make my life a living hell if-God forbid- I miss a day of the sheer brilliance they enlighten their students with.  Also, it has always been a rule in my house that if you're home sick from school there's no TV watching from 8 AM-3 PM. Thursday that was no problem considering I slept Wednesday night until 11:30 Thursday morning, ate some breakfast, watched half of a video on  cellular respiration, and went back to sleep until 6 PM.  However, today, I did kind of the same thing except I ate breakfast and such at more like 9 and was officially up by 12.  So this left three hours for none other than...COLLEGE APPS! That's all I will say because people bitch about them too much. But I digress... the point of this story is that upon getting distracted, I had a few revelations.

1. TOMS at my wedding.  I was browsing the TOMS store online, and happened to come across "Wedding Styles" under the Women's shoe options.  I never understood why brides wore heels under that huge dress anyways.  I know that I, personally, can't last more than a half hour in "pointy fucking shoes," as Max Bemis calls them. Now, I know I am getting a little ahead of myself here but if you happen to be reading this and could remind me when I am planning my wedding that I had this idea (because I tend to be forgetful, if you didn't know) I would greatly appreciate it.

2.  "In the movies its the good guy that gets the girl, in reality its usually the prick." Youth in Revolt is probably my new favorite movie.

3.  I don't have a third point. Disappointing. Goodnight.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Schools of Rock

So today's school day started badly and ended horribly as I progressed from potentially just groggy to undeniably sick.  Also, my college counselor is a brat.  He is a grown man and yet proceeds to act like a snotty teenager. But I have vented far too much about that subject so I will not waste your time with such fooleries.  HOWEVER, I came home, and as I was waiting for my tea to stoop I discovered the latest issue of Billboard Magazine had pleasantly arrived in the mail.  I flipped through it to find an article entitled "Schools of Rock" listing about 30 schools to gain a Music Business Degree. here's the preface:

It used to be that the school of hard knocks was enough to land you a gig in the music business-but no longer. With the contraction of the industry increasing the competition for jobs and the advent of ever-evolving digital technologies, graduates need a strong foundation in business to start on an executive track. Here, Billboard presents our first guide to the nation's music business schools and the innovative educators who are guiding the students of the industry.

Billboard highlighted four schools with a Q&A Column featuring the director of each of the four programs:
SYRACUSE, NYU, Miami, and Belmont

so cool. made my day. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Say Anything

was awesome. Ironically, we got there (and by there I literally mean getting out of the car in the parking garage) only to find out I had left the tickets in my bedroom.  Kind of hilarious considering I was forgetful for Halloween. (I wore a dress with post it notes all over it.) In terms of Lacrosse, it was disappointing that we had to drop out of Field of Screams due to lack of enough players, but I don't know how I would have pulled off 4+ games and a concert.

Sammy Adams November 22nd whaaz gooood

Thursday, October 28, 2010

One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain

One Republic and Maroon 5 at the UIC Pavilion last night- one of the better shows I've seen. I would gladly have Adam Levine's children, except he's dating a swimsuit model. booo. 

Tomorrow's Friday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There is an unnecessary amount of difficult people in the world.

If I am making an effort to assist you in some aspect of your life that is beneficial to your state of being, please don't make it difficult. I don't care if you hate me, if you're socially above me, if you're smarter than me, if you're prettier than me, if I intimidate you, if you don't like the way I dress, if you think I talk too much, if you think I'm super duper mean-there's a common practice known as COURTESY and if I am able to overlook your flaws, you self-righteous, obnoxious, and insecure coward, then I highly suggest you do the same.
That is all.

act a fool and start a riot, r-r-r-riot be a rebeeeeeel.

I like this:

Also, I would just like to say that some of the most random people have blogs. I've recently become intrigued by this little asian girl's obsessive posts about her wonderful boyfriend that she loves and goes to the mall with every weekend.  She's cute.  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Alex Nesbitt Thinks I'm Too Suburban

and continues to actively reeducate me in the urban fashion, specifically in the art of ebonics.
"lehhgo!" =let's go
"run a train"= well, you can look that one up yourself.

I got accepted at Mizzou today. I suppose joking about not getting into college will have to cease from here on out.  1 down, 9 to go (but probably 7- I think I am dropping Miami and Texas because I don't really want to go to music school and they're both primarily music based as opposed to music business). So yes, officially unofficial list:
1. Syracuse
2. USC
3. NYU
4. Michigan
5. Mizzou
6. UC Boulder
7. Indiana
8. Illinois

However, I really only want to go to my top 3 because 4-8 aren't music business schools so I would have to scratch the whole life plan. And I'm definitely not going to Illinois but mother wanted me to apply.

Doing homework is becoming harder and harder every day.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flying Purple People Eater

Things I'm Looking Forward To:

Maroon 5
Field of Screams
Say Anything & Motion City Soundtrack
Michael Lenoch's Rave
Sammy Adams
Ignatius Basketball Games

Things I'm Not Looking Forward To:

First Quarter Grades
College Rejection Letters
Mid January-Early March

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I wrote this last year and just found it again. I don't know, give it a read for shits and giggles.

In the midway between broken and defeated
He's lost the spark, his passions depleted.

He looks for anything to fill the void, 
With everyone around him, he's become annoyed.

Alone, abandoned, for no apparent reason 
As one by one, he watches his allies commit treason.

Even raucous crowds make him feel empty
Self destructive humanity, all he can see.

The feeling of belonging, we will all soon miss
Because after all, they say ignorance is bliss.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

One more...

Thirsty Thursdays

I have only had one day of school so far this week and with tomorrow already being Friday, focusing tonight is unbelievably difficult. So I figured that if you're in the same boat as me (more likely than not because if you're reading my blog you're clearly procrastinating) why not provide some entertainment.  Enjoy!

Yes, I know. I'm predictable.

October 30th bitcheeez

My friend Evan that I met this summer, sick drummer right?

She sounds like Marketa Irglova from The Swell Season

A Young Sammy Adams?

Stuck in my head.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best Weekend in the History of Forever

Fellow Ignatians, we have been waiting for this from the moment we walked through the door on that fateful Wednesday in October- Freshman Retreat Day, or PLAN Day for Sophomores, or PSAT Day for Juniors.  Alas, my fellow five day weekend freaks, this is our time now.  

For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, this weekend marks the passing of the only true perk of attending good old Saint Ignatius.  No school from Saturday the 9th-Wednesday the 13th.  Life is good my friends.

So I'm getting worse about updating this regularly, 
Friday, my friends Becky and Danielle, my parents, and I went to watch my brother's hockey game (we were 14 hours early thanks to mother, so we detoured to B Dubbs for some good eats)- A Mizzou victory over Loyola after overtime and a shootout- at 1 AM.  John and a couple of his friends came back and spent the night at our house along with Becky and Danielle.  It was great to see him again.  There are few people I respect and love as much as my big brother.

Saturday night I had to make musical fusion for the President's Dinner at school-yay, but I was done by 7:30, got dinner at Noodles and Company with Danny and his brother, Seamus, stopped back at the Delaneys, then went over to Caroline's for a bit.  I love Caroline. End of Story.  It's amazing how entertaining an automatic card shuffler can be.  
Sunday was Danny's birthday- the big 1-8 yeeehaw.  A few "bros" ate burgers and smoked cigars around a bonfire in his back yard.  Apparently the term pertains more to lifestyle than gender according to Stephen, gotta love him.  

I haven't left my house all day and I feel wonderful.  I submitted my Syracuse app, did a little work on a couple of other schools, watched 3 movies, the vikings game, and have just embarked upon a CSI: NY marathon.  The best part- I still have two more worry free days of weekend followed by a two day week.  

I just ordered a hella kewl Swatch.

Also, I want to see The Social Network. Any takers? 

Friday, October 1, 2010


In the words of Brandford Winstonworth: "Yeah, I'm headed up to CUSE for the official visit." 

My plane landed at 4:45 in Buffalo, New York on Thursday, September 30, 2010.  It was pouring rain and rather miserable.  Two and half hours later and I arrived at Syracuse University for my second visit in less than a year (45 minutes late for a Bandier Program lecture David Rezak, the program director, invited my mom and me to attend.)  I was confident after the first visit that this was the school for me, but I kept my mind open to anything else that was out there in hopes to avoid an impulse purchase of sorts .  However, 10 months and a plethora of college visits later, I know that Syracuse is where I belong.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here.

The lecture that I attended (or slipped in the back of near the end) was given by a guest speaker about sampling, copyright law, etc. After the question and answer session, Mr. Rezak stood up, walked over to me, shook my hand and introduced me to the 60 or so students in the auditorium.  I was touched by his effort to make me feel important, however embarrassing it may have been with mother by my side. After the presentation was over, 6 different students walked up to me, introduced themselves, and offered advice from the perspective of a current Bandier student.  And these 6 students weren't the odd over-achiever types trying to replicate their status as high school teachers pets, but genuine, friendly kids who just wanted me to feel welcome.  "It's like one big loving family," one of them told me.  And I believe him.  

Today I had two interviews scheduled. One with David Rezak, who I briefly met on Thursday, and another with a general admissions counselor.  So at 2:30, I stepped into an open classroom with Mr. Rezak, mother, and a curious mind-set.  An hour and a half later, he had answered every question and then some, setting me up perfectly for my interview with the admissions counselor.  I felt a sense of security that Bandier was the answer to chasing a career with passion.  He also confirmed the nerve-racking selectivity of the program.  "We're talking about 25 students a year," he said.  The small size is appealing, considering I get accepted, because it gives me the best of both worlds-a close knit family inside of a 20,000 person school with enormous spirit and enthusiasm. So after hearing an earful from Mr. Rezak, and talking my lungs out to give the admissions conselor a sense of who I am, hitting submit on my application is all that's left. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jenn Oetter...and other things that make me happy

taking naps
Balcony TV
billie joe armstrong
crowd surfing
"Marry Me" by Train
Lemont, IL
anything purple, except bruises
stephen colbert
rainy days
alex deleon
mother and father
ambiguous adjectives
yoga pants
fresh air
"Bang Bang" by Dispatch
John Geoffrey Guminski
Cette Annee La
team america
my new lamp
the shorts that I am currently wearing (that will never be returned to their owner. muahaha)
hard drugs, mainly LSD (jaykay lolz)
this is getting silly, i'll keep adding as time goes on and more joys come to me.

I'll swim the ocean for you, wooooaahhhh Kelsey.

OH. I'm visiting Syracuse (again) tomorrow 
stay tuned for details

OH.OH. Also, Max was attacked by the neighbor's dog yesterday. Again. Very scary experience: I heard my mom sheik, ran outside, max is loose, mom's crying, trip to the vet, emotional distress, all in one near death doggy experience. Good news, he's okay.  Just disoriented and uncomfortable, poor thing =/

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just Kidding

I was working on a list of things that make me happy for the last few days
then realized it was dumb and quit.
I have a wonderful work ethic

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Glass Half Full

I think I've been too negative lately, so I'm compiling a list of things that make me happy...stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The only thing that we fight about is the Lakers

Tis thunderstorming.  Which is awesome.
I'm sick. Less awesome.
I recorded my audition tapes for NYU and Syracuse today. Moderately awesome.
Funny story- i got 3/4 of the way home (45 minutes) and realized I had left my violin at school because I brought it to audition for the Music Honors Society thing and I'm incredibly forgetful (eek). I knew I would. Typical Sarah.  So i had to turn around, and my pianist spent a half hour at my house before I got there. Shes moving to Lake Tahoe in three weeks, which is incredibly sad for me.  Shes been with me since the beginning, but this will be great for her.  She just ended an ugly divorce. Which scares me.  Shes beautiful, really, inside and out. Not to mention the fact that she has a masters in music and a law degree.  What hope is there for the rest of us if she can't find a decent man? Uggghh

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Somehow itunes no longer exists on my computer. cool?

I woke up this morning at 7 AM on my living room couch. Now, some of you might wince in pain at the idea of spending the night in such a place but you clearly have never experienced big bertha in all of her glory.
I don't know why I just called it that.
I have never referred to my couch as big bertha before
I suppose theres a first time for everything.

I guess you could say the rest of my day followed suit.  I was home alone for the majority of the day, which was nice.  Watched the bears game, pounded some natty ice. jaykaylolz no natty ice. my life isn't bro.
No, actually I had a lot to do today and I was having a really productive day until about an hour ago.

I have to record my Syracuse and NYU audition tape in 2 days. Definitely not ready.

I'm sick of school. Everything about it. I want summer back.

"I know too much about life to have any optimism"

Make this go away

and this come back


Sunday, September 12, 2010

If There's a Will, There's a Way

"Knowing the why can get you through any how."

The only thing I have learned from my 3 and 1/4 years of religion class in high school.

Today, I ran the Chicago Half Marathon, all 13.1 miles of that sucker.  I finished with a time of 2:25:53 and placed 10,206 out of the roughly 21,000 people who signed up to run. I feel incredibly accomplished for finishing the race without walking a single step along the way.  I saw a lot of inspiring supporters, enthusiastic volunteers, and zealous runners.  Both of my parents were there to cheer me on, and my friend Danny met me at the finish line. I could not possibly thank them enough for being there for me today. I came home and took an ice bath, then slept until 5 pm.  I'm relieved that its over, but also glad that I stuck to the goal that I set for myself.  For the last two miles or so, I kept telling myself  "If you finish this race, you'll get into Syracuse." lolz.
(I'll post the official race pictures as soon as they go up on the website.)

Friday night I actually went to an Ignatius football game.  And we actually won.  It was (actually) unreal. Okay, maybe thats an over exaggeration.  My friend, Alex, who transfered to a different school last year, came to the game to see some of his old friends and cheer on our mediocre football team. It was so great to see him again.  He's one of the most genuine people I have ever been lucky enough to know and I hope I start to see more of him again. 

Saturday night I went to a Mount Carmel hockey game with two of my oldest comrades, Becky and Katie. It was weird to look out on the ice and only recognize a handful of players.  I wanted to yell at the infant sporting number 19 to take off my brother's jersey, but I refrained.  And he wasn't actually an infant.  He's probably like 15 but in comparison to being the little sister all these years that I've been going to John's hockey games, its your turn now kids.  Oh, btw, my family is featured on Carmel's website,  Woooo we're famouuus.