I play the violin and have since I was three. I've picked up some piano and guitar like every typical wanna be musician, but honestly music is the focus of my life. When the aunts, uncles, and grandparents ask what I'm thinking about for college, the answer "Music Business" sparks an array of reactions. No one takes me seriously. If I'm talking to a particularly astute acquaintance I'll throw in the idea of law school after undergrad to prevent spontaneous combustion and to ease the look of disapproval on their faces.
I lax. nuff said.
My family is absolutely perfect. Well, okay, nothings perfect. But I'm so unbelievably lucky. All things considered, like the occasional scuffle with mother about curfew or the constant pull for freedom from dad's old fashioned restrictions, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Now, my lack of a broken home doesn't exactly write a good college essay, but I'm not complaining. I have a brother too. He's in college studying journalism and being a boss. I think I get a lot of my courage from him. And wit too, although he would beg to differ.
My friends are inspirational. This summer was the happiest time in my life and I owe it all to them. To quote one friend in particular, there are some people in your life who you would do anything for to repay them for just being there. Like that somehow just saying thank you isn't enough. New friends and old friends alike, i love you.
Sunday afternoon, let the homework marathon begin.