Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Practical Look

"Live every day like its your last"

Everyone's heard it, and to some degree we all look at it and say "Yeah man! Carpe Diam!"
But logically, living each day like there is no tomorrow is impractical and mildly incriminating.

If today were my last day I would, for example, tell everyone I love them, except those that I dislike, in which case I would tell each one in detail why I dislike them. I would then neglect my homework, spend large amounts of money on once-in-a-lifetime experiences and waste no time sleeping.
However, when morning breaks and I realize that I, in fact, had another day to live (whaddyaknow), what would I do?
Well, first there would be a few awkward hellos to those that I professed my undying love for, even more awkward (angry) stares from them bitchez and hoez that I let have it, a stressful day of school that I am unprepared for due to lack of homework completion, no money, and that weird feeling we all know and love that results from pulling an all nighter.
alright, again, jaded. eh.

GOOD NEWS. I lost my wallet exactly a week ago.(not so good news)
Today, I was called into the deans office to find it had been recovered-get this- from the third floor roof.
Think about that for a second...
Somehow, that means, that my wallet was airborne from a window. Most likely the bathroom...

All is well that ends well.
I'm not sure how that relates to anything.

Max is my best friend.