Monday, September 6, 2010

Damage Control

So much to cover, so little time.
Okay school sucks, blahblahblah. 

I went to the Lucky Boys Confusion concert at the House of Blues on Saturday with 8 of my favorite people. Well, I just met Eric but hes really tall so hes cool in my book. Anyways, Facing Forward was one of the opening bands and  they were great. Awesome stage presence, energy, music. Everything. Listen to them, you wont regret it.  Now, Lucky Boys Confusion was ridiculous, as expected.  I crowd surfed. Which was a first for me. Got launched through the air into the middle of the mosh pit. No worries, though, a very large man literally picked me up and pulled me out. All in all, I had an unbelievable time with some unbelievable people.  

Now on to darker matters.
My friends are in a band that played at a block party yesterday (very much fun). However things sort of went downhill from there. 
 First, there was an infidelity scare, so to speak, between two of my recently broken up friends. Naturally, upon receiving word of this, I freaked out in defense of one of the parties involved, accusing the other mercilessly without really consulting the evidence myself.  In hindsight, I realize I was in the wrong and would really like for this messy break up to be put to rest.  Its really hard to watch helplessly as my friends suffer through the emotional stress of teenage relationships. 
Second, there was another break up, if you will, between two of my other friends. Honestly, unless you had hours to understand the relationship, it is pointless for me to attempt to rationalize either side of the spectrum.  One party was clearly in the wrong. Absolutely and unequivocally.  And they by no means can justify the heartless act they committed. But if you step back and look at the situation, the other party should have walked away long before they were put in this position, knowing party a's track record with these types of things.  But we all suffer from party b's blindness of sorts.  We never want to believe what we don't want to hear, but I've learned from personal experience that your hypothetical best friend's warnings about your hypothetical boyfriend aren't just her being a jealous bitch.  She knows what shes talking about, and I know more than one occasion where I wish I had listened.   
This evening of stressful damage control further supported my theory that high school relationships suck. The only thing we can hope to take from them is the knowledge of which aspects we find desirable in a partner, and which aspects we should run from (screaming) if we are to ever encounter such a person in the future. Which sucks. Because as I sit here, pondering the potential desire for a significant other in my life, I have to remind myself that the relationship is destined for painful failure.  I am jaded, I know.