So today's school day started badly and ended horribly as I progressed from potentially just groggy to undeniably sick. Also, my college counselor is a brat. He is a grown man and yet proceeds to act like a snotty teenager. But I have vented far too much about that subject so I will not waste your time with such fooleries. HOWEVER, I came home, and as I was waiting for my tea to stoop I discovered the latest issue of Billboard Magazine had pleasantly arrived in the mail. I flipped through it to find an article entitled "Schools of Rock" listing about 30 schools to gain a Music Business Degree. here's the preface:
It used to be that the school of hard knocks was enough to land you a gig in the music business-but no longer. With the contraction of the industry increasing the competition for jobs and the advent of ever-evolving digital technologies, graduates need a strong foundation in business to start on an executive track. Here, Billboard presents our first guide to the nation's music business schools and the innovative educators who are guiding the students of the industry.
Billboard highlighted four schools with a Q&A Column featuring the director of each of the four programs:
SYRACUSE, NYU, Miami, and Belmont
so cool. made my day.