For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, this weekend marks the passing of the only true perk of attending good old Saint Ignatius. No school from Saturday the 9th-Wednesday the 13th. Life is good my friends.
So I'm getting worse about updating this regularly,
Friday, my friends Becky and Danielle, my parents, and I went to watch my brother's hockey game (we were 14 hours early thanks to mother, so we detoured to B Dubbs for some good eats)- A Mizzou victory over Loyola after overtime and a shootout- at 1 AM. John and a couple of his friends came back and spent the night at our house along with Becky and Danielle. It was great to see him again. There are few people I respect and love as much as my big brother.
Saturday night I had to make musical fusion for the President's Dinner at school-yay, but I was done by 7:30, got dinner at Noodles and Company with Danny and his brother, Seamus, stopped back at the Delaneys, then went over to Caroline's for a bit. I love Caroline. End of Story. It's amazing how entertaining an automatic card shuffler can be.
Sunday was Danny's birthday- the big 1-8 yeeehaw. A few "bros" ate burgers and smoked cigars around a bonfire in his back yard. Apparently the term pertains more to lifestyle than gender according to Stephen, gotta love him.
I haven't left my house all day and I feel wonderful. I submitted my Syracuse app, did a little work on a couple of other schools, watched 3 movies, the vikings game, and have just embarked upon a CSI: NY marathon. The best part- I still have two more worry free days of weekend followed by a two day week.
I just ordered a hella kewl Swatch.
Also, I want to see The Social Network. Any takers?