Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fresh in my nikes

Chester died today.
I swear, I leave him home with my parents for 2 days and he dies.

This past weekend
was absolutely nuts.

Wait why is Ronnie from Jersey Shore on a late night weight loss infomercial?
Skins is a really weird show.
Elton John is a real character.
I'm either in denial and it hasn't hit me yet, or I'm handling this surprisingly well.
I can't remember the last time i was up till 1:30.
That previous statement was meant in two ways.
2 weeks till lax get crunk

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is the best week ever.

I have to write a paper on a book I haven't read
and I had a thesis idea, but I decided it was more important to respond to a few texts and check facebook
so I forgot it, and now I'm blogging about it.
I have a problem.

In your love, my salvation lies in your love.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It's real guys, duck and cover.
jk lolz but I'm snowed in.
I guess this is what I have to look forward to next year.
The best part? I didn't go to school Monday and I'd say there's a 50/50 chance that school will also be closed tomorrow so I have a 3, maybe 2 day week.

Saturday at HOB waaahooo

Monday, January 24, 2011

There's no time like right now

for drinking chocolate milk and eating the last of the Christmas cookies.


Meet our newest family member, Chester.

My parents think that I've already moved out.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


1. I am America (And So Can You!) came today. I will be reading Friday-Monday while I am in
2.  Marco Island! for semester break, thank the lord.
3. I'm 99% positive i have ADD. Not in the casual joking way that we use it in conversation. But legit Attention Deficit Disorder.
4. I'm pretty sure itunes releases a new terms of agreement every day.
5. What is this Ping business? And why does it know where I live?
I'm refusing to join because:
a. I've been raised to be very skeptical about giving out my full name and current location.  Hypocritically, however, I'm on Facebook. And I've stated my full name and current location on this blog. So this is really not a valid reason at all.
b. I like more than three genres of music and I'm appalled that Ping deems me incapable of such depth.
c. I'm lazy.

The title of this post is completely irrelevant to the subject matter.

Monday, January 3, 2011

"Once you realize that this is a fickle world," says baby-faced Mumford & Sons' singer-guitarist Marcus Mumford, "you also realize that for your own sake, the best thing to do is to just write songs you believe in. Hopefully, the rest takes care of itself."